e.T.W.I.N.N.I.N.G Acrostic! (By Ayvacık Anatolian High School, Türkiye)

All partner schools came together and wrote an acrostic representing the spirit of eTwinning projects. Each line was written by students from different participating countries. We loved it, what do you think ?? eTWINNING;A Place to Dream Together E.veryday in this magical world, T.ime passed in fun together. W.e wish you no one would dare tell you, I.magination is pressure. N.ow the world is magical, we can dream together, N.obody is excluded ‘cause nationality doesn’t matter. I.nternet links us all in the hope that the world gets better N.avigating the world, united we stand, hand in hand, G.reat was the poetic journey that we embarked on collectively.