
e.T.W.I.N.N.I.N.G Acrostic! (By Ayvacık Anatolian High School, Türkiye)

  All partner schools came together and wrote an acrostic representing the spirit of eTwinning projects. Each line was written by students from different participating countries. We loved it,  what do you think ?? eTWINNING;A Place to Dream Together   E.veryday in this magical world, T.ime passed in fun together. W.e wish you no one would dare tell you, I.magination is pressure. N.ow the world is magical, we can dream together, N.obody is excluded ‘cause nationality doesn’t matter. I.nternet links us all in the hope that the world gets better   N.avigating the world, united we stand, hand in hand, G.reat was the poetic journey that we embarked on collectively.

A Great Poetry Book!(By Ayvacık Anatolian High School, Türkiye)

To celebrate World Poetry Day, after reading our poem "Growing Pain," we all wrote acrostic poems about love. We shared the poems on a padlet for everyone to see. Later, these poems were transformed into an ebook, and here it is! We thoroughly enjoyed writing them, and we hope you enjoy reading them too. Link to our Poetry eBook  

Promise ( by Mila, Andreja, Mia, Tea SSOU"Dimitrija Cupovski" Veles North Macedonia)


Please Mrs.Butler (by Andreja Neshov and Mila Martinova - SSOU"Dimitrija Cupovski" Veles-North Macedonia)


PINKY PROMISE - We have written a short story alltogether! ( Ayvacık Anatolian High School, Türkiye)

  After reading Jessica Sills' "Promise" poem, we began writing a short story about friendship. Each paragraph was continued by another partner school, following what the previous partner school and students had written. This was a very interesting experience for us. In our short story, we also made drawings for the sections we wrote ourselves. When everything was completed, Ayvacık Anatolian High School student, İlayda, turned our short story into an ebook. We converted our short story into an ebook on both the StoryJumper and Book Creator platforms to reach more readers because we wanted to share it with a wider audience. Here are the ebook links: Pinky Promise on Book Creator Pinky Promise on StoryJumper

Happy International Poetry Day (21st of March ) by Srednja škola Delnice, Croatia

 Srednja škola Delnice, Croatia Today we celebrate  International Poetry (21st of March ) and held a school recital day at the Janet Majnarich City Library. The students of 1.a read their verses about love and recorded a podcast.

Biography of Vernon Scannell by Srednja škola Delnice, Croatia

 Biography of Vernon Scannell Vernon Scannell was an English writer, poet and soldier. He was born in 1922 into a poor family. He passed on his difficult childhood to many poems that had deep details and meaning.  As a young man, he joined the British Army and fought in the World War II. Scannell was known for his sincere poetry which is explored topics such as war, trauma, love, family and human relationships. Experience the war brought into his verses strength and introspectiveness, depicting his personal experience and reflections on what it means to be human. Some of the His most famous works are "The Masks of Love" (1960), "Many Shades"(1966) and "Walking Wounded" (1987) with which he won many awards like the Heinemann Award for Literature and the Cholmondeley Award.  Although he achieved a lot in literature he suffered from alcohol and mental health problems throughout his life. He passed away in 2007, leaving a lasting contribution especially to Eng...