Countries in our project!


Poetic Unity  

Poetic Unity is a project that involves students and teachers from 7 countries from Europe and The Middle East. Our project wants to bring English poetry closer to students from different countries and improve their English skills, also help them socialize and meet new people.Students will participate in different activities using different tools.

 Countries that participate in the Project:







-North Macedonia


About eTwinning

Twinning is the European community through which students and teachers in schools and kindergartens all around the continent cooperate through electronic communication. The participants of this programme exchange smart solutions and teaching materials to ensure the growth of the student’s motivation as well as teachers’ professional development. All state and private schools (following the core curriculum) as well as kindergartens in the European Union and countries closely cooperating with the European community can engage in eTwinning. The benefits of participation in this programme are countless.

What we are going to do:

During our project, we will explore and delve into the art of poetry. Through teamwork and integration, we will develop our writing skills, deepen our knowledge of poetry, and draw inspiration from the works of other poets. We will create a space where everyone can express themselves and discover their own poetic voices.

What the project gives:

Thanks to the project, we can improve our speaking and writing skills in English. We will also learn to use various new programs such as Canva. By talking and discussing with others, we develop our creativity and self-confidence. By contacting students from other countries, we learn about various cultures.



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