Who is Adrian Mitchell? (SŠ Delnice, Croatia)

 About Adrian Mitchell    
    Adrian Mitchell was born in 1932. and wrote a great number of novels, plays and poems especially for children. He was also excellent journailst- the first one to print an interview with the Beatles. He started his career as a     10 year old child when he wrote his first play and he went to the Oxford university, while he was studying there he was a Chairman of University Poety Society. His inspiration for creating plays and poems for children were his 6 grandchildren. He was committed to a form of poetry that welcomes everyone. His commitment to bringing peace to the world was equally strong – poems such as „Playground“ and „Roundabout“ were written in the early stages of the Iraq invasion. Sardonic rhymes of „Playground“ show his ability to use humor as a weapon against aggressive forces. Most of his colleagues described him as an author that uses humor that can stick deep and stay funny.     He passed away in 2008. leaving behind a lot of funny and educative poems, novels and plays like „What the Mermaid Told Me“ , „A flying song“ , „Life Is a Walk Across a Field“ and a lot others. Today he is regarded as one of the best english authors.                                                                           


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