Interpretation of Please Mrs Butler (SŠ Delnice, Croatia)


It might be about how the teacher doesn't care about her students.


Because the teacher has too many students to care about maybe she was having a bad day because her solutions are effortless maybe she is just a bad teacher she is tired and old

maybe she is trying to teach them how to be independent maybe she has special way of teaching maybe she likes to make jokes.

Motive: School motives

Composition: 6 stanzas, quatrains

Lyrical subject: two lyrical subjects, dialogue between teacher and student

quote „do whatever you can, don't ask me* Rhythm: rhyming verse, melodical humor - go sit in the sink

Irony: swallow (rubber)

Stylistic means of expressions

Anaphora: please, this boy

Alliteration: repetition of consonants (d, g- harsh letters) Derek Drew - bully

Vocatives: dear, my love, my lamb, my flower

The poem we had read has a key of motivation and success. However, it lacks understanding. It is not clear whether the teacher is trying to help, or is it just irony. The poem is written in a form of a dialogue between the student and the teacher. The bully in the poem is Derek Drew, who is constantly causing problems to the other classmates. Solutions the teacher advises are both ridiculous and creative. Those include: swallowing a rubber, hiding in a cupboard, running away to the sea,... The teacher's job is teaching, but also answering millions of questions students ask them daily. It is unknown if the student stood up for himself/herself in the end.


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