
Showing posts from March, 2024

PINKY PROMISE - We have written a short story alltogether! ( Ayvacık Anatolian High School, Türkiye)

  After reading Jessica Sills' "Promise" poem, we began writing a short story about friendship. Each paragraph was continued by another partner school, following what the previous partner school and students had written. This was a very interesting experience for us. In our short story, we also made drawings for the sections we wrote ourselves. When everything was completed, Ayvacık Anatolian High School student, İlayda, turned our short story into an ebook. We converted our short story into an ebook on both the StoryJumper and Book Creator platforms to reach more readers because we wanted to share it with a wider audience. Here are the ebook links: Pinky Promise on Book Creator Pinky Promise on StoryJumper

Happy International Poetry Day (21st of March ) by Srednja škola Delnice, Croatia

 Srednja škola Delnice, Croatia Today we celebrate  International Poetry (21st of March ) and held a school recital day at the Janet Majnarich City Library. The students of 1.a read their verses about love and recorded a podcast.

Biography of Vernon Scannell by Srednja škola Delnice, Croatia

 Biography of Vernon Scannell Vernon Scannell was an English writer, poet and soldier. He was born in 1922 into a poor family. He passed on his difficult childhood to many poems that had deep details and meaning.  As a young man, he joined the British Army and fought in the World War II. Scannell was known for his sincere poetry which is explored topics such as war, trauma, love, family and human relationships. Experience the war brought into his verses strength and introspectiveness, depicting his personal experience and reflections on what it means to be human. Some of the His most famous works are "The Masks of Love" (1960), "Many Shades"(1966) and "Walking Wounded" (1987) with which he won many awards like the Heinemann Award for Literature and the Cholmondeley Award.  Although he achieved a lot in literature he suffered from alcohol and mental health problems throughout his life. He passed away in 2007, leaving a lasting contribution especially to Eng...

"Who is Vernon Scanell?" by Srednja škola Delnice, Croatia

 Who is Vernon Scanell? Croatian team Matija and Karlo research about the famou English writer Vernon Scannel. Let see croatian version Biografija Vernona Scannella Vernon Scannell bio je engleski pisac, pjesnik i vojnik. Rodio se 1922. godine u siromašnoj obitelji. Svoje teško djetinjstvo prenio je na mnoge pjesme koje su imale duboke detalje i značenje.  Kao mladić se pridružio britanskoj vojsci i borio se u Drugom svjetskom ratu. Scannell je bio poznat po svojoj iskrenoj poeziji koja je istraživala teme kao rat, traume, ljubav, obitelj i ljudski odnosi. Iskustvo rata dovelo je u njegove stihove snagu i introspektivnost, prikazujući njegovo osobno iskustvo i razmišljanja što znači biti čovjek. Neka od njegovih poznatijih djela su „The Masks of Love“ (1960) , „Many Shades“ (1966.) i „Walking Wounded“ (1987.) s kojima je osvojio mnoge nagrade poput Heinemann Award for Literature i Cholmondeley Award.  Iako je mnogo postigao u književnosti patio je od problema s alkoholom ...